VHF Marine Radio / SRC / Short Range Certificate
Yes this SRC day course is available! Maximum of 8 students.
Course, book, exam is in (basic) English.
A Short Range Certificate (SRC) is valid for live unless, there is misuse then a SRC can be revoked.
If you want you certificate asap start the online course, do the exam. Keep in mind that the RYA needs time to proces the papers (4 to 6 weeks) and if you want to register your VHF (to get a Ship Station License) at RDI (previously called Agentschap Telecom) (it takes 2 months or more!).
The RYA has a fast track service, the cost can be found (and must be paid directly to the RYA) at this page.
Safe Haven Training has no influence on the processing speed of the RYA or RDI (previously Agentschap Telecom).
Advice; do the SRC course as soon as possible!
A 1 day SRC (Short Range Certificate)/VHF Marine Radio course (marifoon cursus) starting at 8.30 until 17.00 at Huizen, 25 minutes by car from Amsterdam RAI /Utrecht Overvecht /Almere – Stad After 17.00 the assessment/exam will start. In 1 day you can pass the SRC (Short Range Certificate license) assessment. All Corona/Covid 19 proof (see homepage and facebook).
A maximum of 8 students with a minimum age of 16 on the day of the course exam/assessment. If a group/club/company course is requested, please send an email.
The course is aimed gaining the knowledge and practical experience required for the SRC exam/assessment which is directly after the end of the course. The course and exam/assessment are in (basic) English. Do not be put off by the English language, it can be done if you have a basic knowledge of the language. It is not scary. The course is mostly practical, we will be using the VHF Radios most of the time. The certification/Licence to Operate is valid and accepted by the Dutch Authorities and can be issued to Dutch nationals as well. Registration based on the Short Range Certificate (Combi VHF, handheld VHF, EPIRB, AIS) can be done via the RDI ( previously called Agentschap Telecom),
You need to send a copy af the front and back page of your SRC, copy of your valid ID, personal details and proof a legal connection to the NL proving that there is a legal connection for the issuance of a Ship (Potable) Station License.
RDI (previously called Agentschap Telecom) in the NL issues the Ship (portable) Station license with ATIS, callsign and MMSI numbers. You have to fully comply with their requirements.
Money back policy if you find the English during the course to difficult and decide not to participate in the exam you course fee will be refunded (see details at price). Also, if you might fail the exam/assessment Safe Haven Training will provide the possibility to follow the course again at no extra cost (see details at price). So far no one has ever chosen not to do the exam.
Your required Preparations
- You will receive before the day-course the accompanying book which must be read/studied before the day course +
- Follow the refined preparations instructions you will receive (made by Safe Haven Training based on feedback of previous students)+
- There is, after reading the book, also an online tool with currently more than 140 questions available for students which is frequently updated based on feedback of previous students. It partly simulates the theory exam and addresses area’s where extra attention is required. This tool is very highly appreciated by students. It started with 30 questions but as students requested more and more questions it is now above 140. The online tool provides also information for the instructor regarding weaker area’s which will be extra addressed during the day course +. You are expected to do this 3 times
- follow this study plan and day- course and the chance of successfully passing the assessment is very very very very good.
- The vast majority of students does pass the exam/assessment. Although it can not be guaranteed, until know those students who followed the day course, have done all the preparations and fully completed the online tool 3 x have a succes rate of 99,9% for both the theory and practical examination. (So far 1 person did not pass the theory exam) Please study at home for a RYA minimum of 3 hours (needed for reading the book depending on your own reading/learning speed). For the ideal preparation you are advised to apply minimal 3 weeks before the day course and takes 20 hours (approx 1 hour a day) ! We expect you have invested 20 hours if you join the course. If you want to enrol just 1 week before a course, it is strongly advised to take the next course. Go for a good preparation!
- The online preparation learning tool has 2 parts, the first part needs 1 hour for the first time, the second 30 minutes for the first time. You can the do them as much as you want (with 24 hours between each attempt). Second and third attempt generally go faster.
- There are also 12 training video’s available via youtube for the actual use of the training VHF which will be done by you during the day course yourself, viewing takes approximately 12 minutes.
- Our student prepare themselves well and invest the 20 hours, the SRC day course is based on that preparation as well. Trust the learning system we set up with a lot of previous students!
You also need to bring a passport photo (not a self printed digital one) for your license to the course with your name written on the back.
- 260,00 euro (including coffee/tea/water and cookies, bread lunch, training by a certified SRC assessor (instructor), use of training VHF equipment, book, and VAT). Money back policy, Safe Haven Training will refund the full course costs if you find the English too difficult, as long as you decide not to participate in the exam/assessment. So far no one has chosen for this option.
- For postal addresses outside the NL we will send access code for the online course book by email
- If you use a banktransfer as payment from a non dutch bank account payment must be completed within 14 days but ultimately before the start of the course (whichever comes first) . Any later date for payment completion and booking will be rejected.
- + The assessment cost GBP 76 (+/_ 86 euro) must be paid in advance by the student directly to the RYA. This can be done by credit card via the following link. SRC Exam Payment. Via the link you can register and after payment you will receive a payment confirmation by email and a separate email with the “exam eligibility form” (check your spam box). You print this form on A4, sign it and take with you to the course/exam. Without the signed eligibility form you can not participate in the assessment/exam. The RYA in the UK issues the certification (not Safe Haven Training) which will be send to you via British postal services. We do not provide a money back policy for the exam fee, as this has been paid by you directly to the RYA. If you have done your home study, followed the day-course but failed the exam/assessment Safe Haven Training will give you the possibility to follow the day course for free one time again. In this case you yourself will have to pay the exams fee again, as this is directly paid to the RYA (and not to Safe Haven Training).
The SRC course, in order to use a VHF marine radio you need to have a personal license to operate the VHF Marine Radio. Also your VHF Marine Radio must be registered. In the Netherlands you can pass either the Dutch Marifoon exam (not available in English) or the Marcom B exams (uses nautical English) or SRC (Short Range Certificate) exam/assessment to gain your license to operate a VHF Marine Radio. Our VHF Marine course provides the training for the SRC (Short Range Certificate) exam/assessment in (basic) English, which is directly followed by an exam/assessment (in basic English) in 1 day. If you pass the exam you will gain your license to operate a VHF Marine Radio. The SRC certification is valid and accepted by the Dutch Authorities and can be issued to Dutch nationals as well. Registration for a Dutch Radio License can be done via the RDI (previously called Agentschap Telecom). RDI in the NL issues the Ship (portable) Station license with ATIS, callsign and MMSI numbers. You have to fully comply with their requirements.
There have been frauduleus actions by acquiring a Dutch ship radio licenses by foreigners who have no connection to the NL whatsoever . There was 1 commercial company who held 1.500 licenses. These have all been revoked ultimately 2019 by the RDI . Also this resulted in more checks for new requests by foreigners not living in the NL and applying for a Dutch Ship Radio License. If you do not live in the NL but request a Dutch Ship Radio Licence you have to provide sufficient evidence for a Dutch connection that gives legitimacy for issuing a Dutch Ship Radio Licence. The RDI decides if there is sufficient evidence before granting a Dutch Ship (Portable) Station Licence.
You are expected to do study at home by reading the VHF course book (that will be send to you directly after receiving your payment) and follow the provide refined preparation instructions.
Course content
- Correct use of VHF DSC (Digital Selective Calling) D class equipment
- Correct procedure for sending DSC Alert & Announcements
- Correct usage of low or high power for voice messages
- Using correct format of messages
- Information over GMDSS (Global Maritime Distress & Safety System), (Search and Rescue Transponder), EPIRB (Emergency Position Indicating Radio Beacon), PLB (Personal Locator Beacon), AIS (Automatic Identification System), MMSI (Maritime Mobile Service Identity), MARS (Maritime Mobile Access and Retrieval System), ATIS (Automatic Transmitter Identification System)
- Mayday, PanPan, Sécurité messages
The exam/assessment It starts after the day course. It has a theoretical exam part, a combination of 16 questions (multiple choice and essay questions) and a practical exam. If you passed the theory exam the practical exam follows, using the VHF radio and completing the instructions of/questions by the assessor/examiner. In fact you do and show what you have learned during the course day to the examiner/assessor.
The SRC license to operate fits in-between the Dutch Marifoon Certificaat/Marcom B and Marcom A. You can registrar your VHF, mobile VHF, EPIRB, AIS based on the Short Range Certificate.
Take with you to the exam.
- Passport photo with your name and date of birth in capitals on the back (self printed photo’s are not accepted!)
- Exam eligibility form printed and signed (you receive it from the RYA when you have made payment to the RYA for the exam, do this at least 1 week before the exam) It is valid for 6 months after you have paid for it.
- A legal valid ID, preferably a passport
- (Online students only, print and take the online course completion certificate with you)
Without all these items you can not participate in the exam!
English. The book, course and exam/ assessment are in English. We use basic nautical English. You do not need to be scared. As a reassurance we provide a money back policy for the full course costs if you find it too difficult during the day-course, as long as you decide not to participate in the exam/assessment. We do not provide a money back policy for the exam fee; this has been paid by you directly to the RYA.
Check page training dates for course options.
Via the page training dates, select a course and date and complete the online enrolment. Payment via check out (ideal). If you do not have a Dutch bankaccount, please send us an email for your enrolment. We do not accept creditcards as the this would mean we have to increase the prices with the creditcard fees.
Hotel. If you are looking for an hotel during the course please look under FAQ for more information
Via this website you can plan any public transport.
After receiving payment the book will be send to you by mail. Please keep in mind that PostNL does not deliver everyday the mail to you. Sometimes delays occur.
- For postal addresses outside the NL we will send access code for the online course book by email
Online course. There is also the possibility to follow the online course (although we advise to do the day course if possible due to the actual practise you will have with the VHF and GMDSS equipment ) . The vast majority of people do home study and follow this day-course.
Safe Haven Training advises anyone to do the SRC day course. In our opinion handling the actual VHF and touching/seeing items like EPIRB, SART, Navtex is not the same as only seeing it online. Our goal is a very very very high exam passing rate of our students and we feel best to provide this via the SRC day course.
Companies / Clubs There are possibilities to give this training at your location, please send an email with your inquiry for the possibilities.
Safe Haven Training also takes the SRC exam for online students.
Please do not call but first send an email via the contact page to receive detailed information .
The company where you booked your online course must first provide us with the required SRC exam eligibility sticker. You must contact that specific RTC yourself. Without SRC exam eligibility sticker in our possession we can not take or book your exam. Be aware there is the risk that the sticker can get lost in the mail or has not fully been completed and signed by the RTC where you bought your online course, that is however not the responsibility of Safe Haven Training. The RTC where you purchased the online course in only allowed to send it directly over to the RTC where you have booked your exam to prevent any fraud (it is not allowed to give it to the student).
It is our advice to do your SRC exam where you have purchased your online course to prevent this risk.
It is not possible to do the exam without either an online or SRC day-course.
Exams can only be taken if you have with you
- A valid legal ID
- A passport photo with your name and day of birth written on the back in capitals
- A printed copy of the online completion form (which you receive digitally when you have succesfully finished the online SRC course)
- The printed & signed exam eligibility form
- (the SRC exam eligibility sticker must already be in our possession it must be send by the company where you purchased the online course directly to Safe Haven Training)
Without all these items the exam can not take place. If you have made an appointment and arrive without all required documents we will bill you for our hours and travels expenses lost.