RYA Powerboat Level 2 (PB 2)

Advice; To prevent disappointment book early. There are limited course dates available. 2021, 2021 and 2023 almost all courses were fully booked. Course dates for 2025 are already available in the Training Calender .


A 2-day course starting at 09.00 until approximately 17.00 on a 7 meter XS RIB with a 200 horsepower engine. Location; Ambachtsweg 59, 1271 AL Huizen, office nr 5 (with a lovely view over the harbour and the old chalk ovens) at Watersport Centrum Huizen, inland waters (25 minutes by car from Amsterdam)

Language =Englisch

A maximum of 3 students (and 1 certified instructor), minimum age 18 years (as stipulated by Dutch Law for boats who can run over 20 KM an hour)


The course is aimed at providing you theoretical knowledge and lots of practical training during daylight in favourable weather safely using a powerboat. The aim is to be in the boat on the water for 70% (or more) of the duration of the course. It is the most popular practical course provided.

The PB 2 certificate is generally seen as a requirement for working on super yachts  (as well is often the RYA Short Range certificate and RYA First Aid certificate).

(this is not a course intended to learn to become a racing driver on a powerboat, then you need to look for another company/course)


On day 1 we are in and in the vicinity of Huizen harbour, learning the skills for safely manoeuvring and handling the boat. If this goes as required on day 2 we will make a trip.

Students are requested to make a small passage plan for day 2 in the evening of day 1 at home, each for 1 part of the trip mentioned below. All have to make a safety brief (if you already want to read about take a look at this website (full of useful information) SafeSkipper.

We start in Huizen harbour and go to Almere harbour. From there we will go to the fast speed boating lane, doing some boating in planing speed. From there we will be going to Naarden Harbour and we will be getting fuel and having lunch on board. Then via the island ” Schelp”  (using depth meeter for navigation) back to Huizen harbour. During the trip we will be doing all practical skills learned, like manoeuvring, turning in confined spaces, boating in planing speed, coming alongside,  navigation, MOB (Billy) exercises,  rules of the road, etc. So everyone will gain a lot of useful real experience.  As result of this trip we will be having lunch on board on day 2.


No prior experience is required, this course suits starters as well as a those who wants to be more prepared to use a powerboat.

At home before the course. You are requested to read the book you will receive, learn some knots (there are some videos available on youtube accessible via the page FAQ ), look at video’s regarding flares and lifejackets, this will safe some time which we then can spend on the water!  You can also find a lot of useful and interesting information ons the page  downloads. Please take a look. On facebook you will  also find more photo’s and videos. We do not send any newsletters, if you want to know what is happening and coming please follow us on facebook.


Price 699 euro (includes the 2 days course, certification, petrol for the boat, boat insurance, start power boating book, use of sailing jacket and pants, use of life jacket, drinking water on the boat, sun lotion, certified instructor, free parking, marina fees, lunch (bread), coffee and tea (and of course cookies) , and VAT)

  • f you use a banktransfer as payment from a non dutch bank account payment must be completed  directly.  Any later date for payment completion and your booking will be rejected. Unfortunately some bad experiences in the past.
  • If your postal address is outside the NL the course book will be handed over during the course (due to high postal charges)

The course dates are guaranteed independent of the number of enrolments (that is our risk, not yours), only unsafe weather can lead to planning a new date (rain does not influence the course).


Take with you, 1) flat non slipping waterproof shoes (to keep your feet dry and warm), 2) 1 passport photo ! (required for your certificate if you pass the course successfully), 3) cap, 4) sunglasses,  5) waterproof  long fingered gloves (to keep your hands dry and warm) 6) Valid legal identification (pasport)


You are required

1) to be 18 or older (Dutch legal retirement for fast boats)

2) hold a valid health insurance


If the course is passed successfully a UK RYA PB 2 certification for Powerboats < 10 meter is issued (valid for inland and coastal waters). This is often a requirement for boat rental in many countries.


ICC from the RYA

For driving a fast boat (can go faster then 20 KM an hour) in The Netherlands on inland waters you require an ICC (International Certificate of Competence). You need to be 18 years or older (Dutch law). There are equipments requirements as well for fast boats (kill cord, lifejackets, fire extinguisher 2 kg) , please check the download equipment on boat document.

In order to request an ICC issued by the RYA (valid for 5 years), for powerboats up to 10 meters) you need to check your nationality first and check if you comply to the all the RYA  requirements. Check the RYA website for latest information. For example,  you have to provide sufficient evidence of your identity and nationality,  look at part 2 and 3 of the ICC application form. It is your legal responsibility to check the latest and complete information on the RYA regarding ICC issuing, Safe Haven Training can not make judgements about legal address, nationality etc, only you can. Safe Haven Training is not the RYA head office, so we can not speak on behalf of the RYA. Invest the time to prevent disappointments, please check via the link the RYA website (it is complete and very informative).


Nationalities like British, Italian, US, Swedish , Greek, French, Italian, Maltese, Taiwanese  for example are possible if you comply to all RYA requirements.

The below mentioned nationalities do NOT comply (list is subject to change)! If your nationality is in the list below the RYA can NOT issue an ICC. If you have a double nationality 1 of them should not be on the list below.

Austria, Belarus, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Czechia, Finland, Germany, Hungary, Ireland, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia, Switzerland and Ukraine. This RYA list (correct at 01/10/2020) is subject to change, check via the link the RYA website. (Look at ICC note 2 on the page of the link).

If you comply to the requirements the route for an ICC (valid 5 years) power for boats up to 10 meter of lenght is

  1. PB 2 certificate (by completing this course successfully)
  2. CEVNI online exam completed (inland water signs, lights, sounds, rules of the road), book your exam directly if you book the PB 2 course.If you want your ICC to be valid on inland Dutch waters you have to complete the online CEVNI exam (Regulations regarding European inland water), a couple of hours learning. It is strongly advised to always do the CEVNI online course! Safe Haven Training can only acces online information of CEVNI courses booked at Safe Haven Training (we have no acces to data from other companies)

    For inland waters please also read the CEVNI page.

An RYA issued ICC without CEVNI is not valid for inland waters in The Netherlands!! For Dutch fast boats (means if the boat CAN go faster than 20 KM an hour) you are required to be 18 years or older.

Also you have to comply certain mandatory equipment on fast boats. You can find more information on the website (in English, or Dutch or German) of Varendoejesamen

We receive a lot of questions from a many nationalities, if you ask a question regarding ICC per email please first read the RYA website, mention in your email: Nationality (or if you have 2 mention both), age, boating in the inland waters  or coastal, can the/your boat go faster then 20 km an hour, what is the length of your boat in meters (exactly).


Practical training provided in this course

  • Boat inspection before leaving
  • Use of the kill cord, life jacket
  • General boat handling and manoeuvring
  • Coming alongside, leaving, securing a boat
  • Turning in confined space, holding off
  • Picking up a mooring buoy, anchoring
  • Man overboard
  • Planning speed manoeuvres


Theory training provided in this course

  • Rules of the road (collision regulations)
  • Buoyage
  • Emergency equipment (VHF radio/flares/fire extinguisher/life jackets)
  • Navigation, charts, tides, depths, compass
  • Passage Planning & Pilotage
  • Weather
  • Towing
  • ICC and CEVNI, what is it

Practical things (our mantra’s😁)  to remember when you drive/manoeuvre a boat

  • Slow is Pro
  • Steer before Gear
  • What you put in you have to get out
  • Look before you  (make the slightest) Hook (you must see the engine of the book for correct looking!)
  • Failing to prepare means you are fully prepared for failure


Training Dates RYA Powerboat Level 2, 09.00 -17.00 (2 days)


Via the page training dates, select a course and date and complete the online enrolment. Payment via check out (ideal).

  • If you use a banktransfer as payment from a non dutch bank account payment must be completed  directly.  Any later date for payment completion and your booking will be rejected. Unfortunately some bad experiences in the past.
  • If your address is not in the NL the book will be handed over during the course (due to high postal charges!)

We do not accept creditcards as the this would mean we have to increase the prices with the creditcard fees.


Hotel. If you are looking for an hotel during the course please look under FAQ for more information

Via this website you can plan any public transport. You need to take the bus.

Click on pictures for higher resolution. Photo’s and video shows part of the training and training area for the PB 2 certificate. Only the last picture is not related to the course or training area. In this picture the boat was involved in a exiting rescue of an 86 year old driver out of a sinking car in the water (everyone survived👍)

Part of the PB 2 course manoeuvring on the high speed training area for the PB 2 course at Gooimeer.

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