The RYA Marine Radio Short Range Certificate (SRC) is the minimum qualification required to operate marine VHF radio equipment on a UK flagged vessel and is also recognised RDI (previously called Agentschap Telecom) . This includes both fixed and handheld equipment with and without Digital Selective Calling (DSC), SART, EPIRB, AIS. It is obtained by successfully completing an SRC exam conducted at an RYA Recognised Training Centre.
The SRC course may be taken in a classroom or online through an RYA Recognised Training Centre. There is no age limit for taking the SRC course although exam candidates must be 16 years old on the day of the exam.
Keep in mind that the RYA needs processing time for your certificate of 6 to 8 weeks and the Agentschap Telecom for your Dutch Ship Station License of at least 2 months (regardless of which License to Operate you have!) Start your course as soon as possible is our advice.
We strongly advise you to book your online course where you are going to do your exams (which is always at the RYA RTC (Recognised Training Centre). There is a lot of paper work required *which causes delays) to do you exam at another RTC. See details in the SRC daycourse page, completely at the end of the page SRC day course.
Course subjects include:
- routine operation of marine VHF radio including Digital Selective Calling
- the correct VHF channels (frequencies) to be used for each type of communication
- distress, emergency and medical assistance procedures
- ship to shore communication
- practical use of Marine VHF DSC radios
- Global Maritime Distress and Safety System (GMDSS)
- Emergency Position Indicating Radio Beacons (EPIRB)
- Search and Rescue Transponders (SART)
You will need:
- Internet connection (broadband or 3G). Charges may apply for 3G.
- JavaScript enabled in your web browser.
- Microphone and speakers/headphones.
- Pop-ups enabled
Minimum requirements:
- PC running Windows 10 minimum with the latest version of Microsoft Edge, Google Chrome or Firefox.
- Mac running 10.13 minimum with the latest version of Safari, Google Chrome or Firefox
- iPad running iOS 11 minimum using Safari.
- Android tablet running 4.1 minimum using Google Chrome.
We strongly recommend trying the SRC Taster Course before buying the full course to check that it will work on your device. If the taster works (disangage your pop up blockers first) you can expect that the course will work. Otherwise you are welcome on the SRC day course.
Try the free RYA SRC course taster here by clicking on this link
The SRC certification is valid and accepted by the Dutch Authorities and can be issued to Dutch nationals as well. Registration for a Dutch Radio License can be done via the Agentschap Telecom. There has been frauduleus actions by acquiring a Dutch ship radio licenses by foreigners who have no connection to the NL whatsoever . There was 1 commercial company who held 1.500 licenses. These have all been revoked ultimately 2019 by the Agentschap Telecom. Also this resulted in more checks for new requests by foreigners not living in the NL and applying for a Dutch Ship Radio License. If you do not live in the NL but request a Dutch Ship Radio License you have to provide sufficient evidence for a Dutch connection that gives legitimacy for issuing a Dutch Ship Radio License. The Agentschap Telecom decides if there is sufficient evidence before granting a Dutch Ship Radio License. exam
The exam (70 GBP) is a combination of a written theory test and practical assessment in the use of Marine VHF DSC radios. Candidates must be 16 years or older on the day of the exam.
You must pay the RYA directly online for your exam fee via this link. After payment you will receive via email your exam eligibility form to take with you to the actual exam.
SRC Online + course (all in English)
- The Online course
- The RYA SRC course book
The + =
- 15 pages preparation instructions (to be read first)
- > 150 practise questions on a online tool, can be done as many times you want
- Training videos for the use of the ICOM you will use during an exam with Safe Haven Training, including Distress Mayday and Mayday relay.
- 1 hour practise on the training VHF before the start of the exam (no instruction as by RYA regulations, instruction and assessment are strictly separated)
- You are welcome on the free yearly return/open day to practise what ever you want (where else can you practise to press the red Distress button and mayday call and message )
Time of homestudy generally 20 hours!
- 210 euro including VAT
- 70 GBP (approx 72 euro, GBP/EUR rate depending) for the exam costs and the actual SRC (when you pass the exam/assessment) directly to be paid to the RYA (do this at least 1 week before the exam, it is valid for 6 months after you have purchased it)
- If you use a banktransfer as payment from a non dutch bank account payment must be completed directly. Any later date for payment completion and your booking will be rejected. Unfortunately some bad experiences in the past.
Please enrol by: downloading the application form from the download page, complete and sign the form and send by mail to
You will receive the invoice (you can also make directly payment to proces the request quicker). After receipt of your payment you will be provided (within 24 hours ) the details to start the online course and other material.
Access to the RYA online learning environment is valid for 6 months form the date you received your access codes.
After completing the online course you can make an appointment for your SRC exam. This can be done at an RYA RTC with the recognition for SRC. You need to contact the RTC and inform us, so we can send the exam papers to the chosen RYA RTC. Safe Haven Training is authorised to take the SRC assessment/exam. This can always be done at 17.00 on dates where an SRC day course is scheduled. Also it is possible to do the exam after any other course has finished. Location is always Ambachtsweg 59, 1271 AL Huizen. In any case you need to make an appointment to confirm your exam/assessment at
Safe Haven Training expects any student to prepare themselves sufficiently (good) for the assessment/exam, all available videos must have been viewed.
Take with you to the exam.
- Passport photo with your name and date of birth in capitals on the back (self printed photo’s are not accepted!)
- Exam eligibility form printed and signed (you receive it from the RYA when you have made payment to the RYA for the exam, do this at least 1 week before the exam) It is valid for 6 months after you have paid for it.
- A legal valid ID, preferably a passport
- The online course completion certificate PRINTED (you will receive it when you have fully completed the course and pre-exam containing a unique code required for the actual exam)
Without all these items you can not participate in the exam!
Safe Haven Training also takes the SRC exam for online students. Please send an email to make an appointment. You must already know how the VHF works. Also the company where you booked your online course must provide us with the required SRC exam eligibility sticker. Without it in our possession we can not take or book your exam. Be aware there is the risk that the sticker can get lost in the mail, that is not the responsibility of Safe Haven Training. It is advised to do your exam where you have purchased your online course to prevent this risk.
To enable access to your online course we need to share some of your personal data with the RYA via your user profile in This learning management website is hosted and maintained by a third party called Learning Pool, who will not use your personal information for any reason other than enabling your course.
Your name and email address will be entered on in order to create your user account. On your first access to the site, you will be asked to enter your address and date of birth. You will have access to the site for one year in order to complete your online course. During this period, your personal information will be held on the website by Learning Pool and be available to this training centre and the RYA for the purpose of managing your course.
Instructional support will be provided by this training centre for a period of 1 year from the date of your course booking.
On completion of your course, your name, email, date of birth and address will be transferred to the RYA’s central database for the purpose of recording details of the course and any certification you gain as a result of it. This information allows the RYA to record your certification, to update any records they may already hold about you or your qualifications and to verify your certificate if required.
After one year from the date of your enrolment on a course, your user account will be removed from
Full details of how the RYA will deal with your personal information will be displayed when you first access
For the duration of your access to the site, your data will be held in accordance with the RYA Interactive Data Policy, Terms and Conditions.
If you receive a digital certificate downloaded from the RYA Interactive site on completion of your course, your name, address, date of birth and certificate details will be transferred to the RYA database and held in accordance with the RYA’s Privacy Policy