Man Overboard Training and First Aid (only to booked at request ) 

9.00 up to approximately  17.00 at Huizen, Gooimeer.


 Required certification, none but you need to be able to steer a boat. A RYA PB 2 certification will help

Minimun age = 18 (or else you are not allowed to drive the XS RIB, a fast boat)

A maximum of 3 student are allowed for this day


During the the following will be practised, this day is primarily learning by doing it your self.

  • MOB training (several methods)  how do I manoeuvre the boat to the correct position to retrieve the MOB
  • Crew management, what and how must the available crew do things
  • Correct and efficient procedures including VHF use
  • We will practise several search patterns  to find and retrieve a MOB
  • Use of  the  TPA (Thermal Protective Aid)
  • Use of  rescue slings
  • How to handle/treat a MOB including basic CPR
  • Perhaps some more surprises …..

We will be using various materials/equipment

  • Billy the kid, the MOB/CPR manaquin  (we’ll known in the  PB 2 course)
  • CPR mannequins and AED trainers
  • The XS 700 fast RIB ” Orkaan”
  • Rescue sling


This is not an RYA course . It is a training dato improve your knowledge and experience to a higher level so you are able to successfully recover from MOB situation for 3 enthusiastic participants!



400 euro per person excluding VAT, including coffee thee, use of boat  and all training materials


Via the page training dates, select a course and date and complete the online enrolment. Payment via check out (ideal). If you do not have a Dutch bankaccount, please send us an email for your enrolment. We do not accept creditcards as the this would mean we have to increase the prices with the creditcard fees.