Check the video’s on our youtube page: Safe Haven Training.
Safe Haven Training will provide Powerboat, First Aid and VHF Marine Radio (Short Range Certificate) courses at:
Safe Haven Training
Ambachtsweg 59
1271 AL Huizen
25 minutes by car from Amsterdam RAI
The professionele class room is well equipe en provides a pleasant learning environment
- 2 x 4K TV, movable
- Projection screen large
- Beamer
- Whiteboard large
- Whiteboard/Flipboard/projection screen movable
- Flipboard movable
- large tables sitting 8 persons (Covid 19 proof)
- Printer
- Small kitchen
- Large refrigerator
- In the building are toilets and showers
- DAN Oxygen set
- Extra large First Aid equipment
- Fire extinguisher
- Movable coatstand
- Central heating
- Lovely view over Huizen harbour
- Excellent Alarmsystem
- First Aid training
- Soft exercise mats, there is no need for hurting your knees during exercises
- Human skeleton
- Torsion models
- Lung, heart models
- 2 x Crash & Carry exercise model for wond simulation and exercises
- 4 advanced CPR mannequins
- 5 individual CPR mannequins
- Billy the Kid MOB incl. CPR
- AED exercise models
It is a well maintained CAT B build 7 meter by 2,6 meter XS R(H)IB, which stands for Rigid (Hull) Inflated Boat. It is rated for 12 persons, for courses there are 4 individual buddy seats available.
It is powered by a 200 horse power Mercery Verado petrol outboard engine.
It is equipped with a wide range of safety equipment by Ocean Safety Signal, VHF Marine radio, depth sounder, plotter, fish finder, an extensive first Aid Kit, AED etc
The boat is yearly inspected by the RYA and approved for providing RYA powerboat courses.
Safe Haven Training uses professional equipment for all courses. Not the lowest minimal standard is the goal, but the best possible. Safety and Quality is the goal, no concessions are made on these areas.
The boat can be chartered with qualified skipper as safety boat for your event on or adjacent to the water. By this you can comply with the handbook incident control on the water as stipulated by the Institution for Physical Safety. On the page charter you can find further details.
Royal Yachting Association a British organization which provides a world class standard for maritime courses on and off shore. Safe Haven Training is proud to be an RYA RTC (Recognized Training Centre) and undergoes yearly inspections for all courses provided, materials used and operational procedures.
For more information please visit
International Certificate of Competence
It is issued under the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE) Inland Transport Committee Working Party on Inland Water Transport Resolution 40. It is this resolution which details how and to whom the ICC may be issued, the syllabus requirements, the layout of the certificate and it also lists the countries which have notified the UNECE Secretariat that they have accepted the resolution.
The PB 2 course can provide the possibility for an ICC for certain nationalities (for example British, Canada, France, Greece, Sweden, Denmark) . Please follow the link for the exact list of countries and further details.
Unless the applicant is resident in the UK, the UK ICC issued by the RYA is not available to the nationals of the following countries that have currently adopted Resolution No. 40: Austria, Belarus, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Czechia, Finland, Germany, Hungary, Ireland, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia, Switzerland and Ukraine. This list (correct at 01/10/2020) is subject to change.
If your nationality is on the list the RYA can issue an ICC with inland waters category. You need to have the following completed.
- PB 2 certificate (Powerboat 2, course can be followed via Safe Haven Training)
- CEVNI certificate, (Course and exam can be done online, through various companies). Passing the ICC CEVNI test simply allows the Inland category on your ICC to be validated, thereby indicating that you have demonstrated knowledge of the traffic regulations applicable on inland waters, in particular the CEVNI, as required by the Resolution)
- RYA Membership, can be done online, provides frequent news magazines, actions for members, please follow the link RYA membership
- Please fill Joining Center code 920733202
- After completing these 3 requirements you can go the the RYA website download the application form and complete this. You can also send us an email and we will send you the application form by post. Details are found on the RYA website via this link ICC application .
License to Operate, EPIRB , PLB, SART, AIS, ATIS
Bedieningscertificaten, EPIRB, SART, AIS, ATIS
Via the ITU (International Telecommunication Union) where 193 countries are participating in, agreements are made over the use of telecomunication. Via the IMO (International Maritime Organisation) agreements have been made regarding SOLAS (Safety of Lives at Sea) (amongst others) the use of Martine radio equipment en the needed license to operate. The education requirements are filled by each country based on the general agreement. The Netherlands has 3 types (Basis Certificate Marifonie, Marcom B en Marcom A, all courses and exams are given in Dutch), and in the UK these are SRC (Short Range Certificate) and the LRC Lang Range Certificate). The SRC is accepted/recognised by the Dutch Agentschap Telecom. The SRC course is given in basic English.
- Basis certificaat Marifonie
- valid for the inland water and ATIS (Automatic Transmitter Identification System) is applicable
- only a VHF (very high frequency)
- Only theory, you do need need to touch any VHF (how strange that might seem to you)
- Marcom B (Basis certificaat marifonie + GMDSS (Global Maritime Distress @ Safety System) modules)
- Valid for inland and coastal waters, EPIRB (Emergency Position Identification Beacon), SART (Search and Rescue Transponder)
- Several trainings days (oftenl 3) consisting of basis certificaat marifonie, GMDSS module theorie and GMDSS module practical
- Short Range Certificate (SRC)
- Valid for same equipment as Marcom B (inland and coastal waters, EPRIB, SART)
- Water sports and professional use up to 200 gross ton and a maximum of 12 passengers
- 1 day course in basic English with at the end the exam (+ course preparations at home book and online tool) the exam has a theory part and a practical part using the VHF as you were trained for during the course
- Marcom A (ROC = Restricted Operaters Certificate)
- Same as Marcom B + MF (medium Frequency) and HF (High Frequency) apparatuur
- Several days of training
- Long Range Certificate (LRC)
- Same as Marcom A, non courses yet available in The Netherlands
A1 area A1, A2 area A1, A2 area A1, A2, A3, A4 area Inland waters Inland and Coastal waters sea/ocean No operating licence required Dutch Basis Certificaat SRC Marcom B Marcom-A / LRC Personal Locator Beacon (PLB) X X X X X Pleasure jacht radar (if you have radar you must have a VHF!) X X X X X NAVTEX X X X X X Automatic Identification System (AIS ) transponder X X X X VHF Marine Radio (fixed or handheld) for inland waters working on ATIS X X X X VHF Marine Radio (fixed or handheld) for coastal waters working on MMSI with DSC X X X Combi VHF Marine Radio for inland (ATIS) and coastal waters working (MMSI) with DSC X X X Emergency Position Indicating Radio Beacon (EPIRB 406 MHz) X X X Search and Rescue Transponder (SART) X X X X X INMARSAT A, B, C, F, M with GMDSS alert X X INMARSAT A, B, C, F, M with GMDSS alert MF / HF-SSB-radio X A1 Area continous coverage with VHF DSC to coast radio station (based on 25 watt and 16 meter high ariel/antenna) A2 Area (outside A1) continous coverage with MF DSC to coast radio station A3 Outside A1 and A2 satelite communication (Inmarsat) between 76 degrees North and 76 degrees South A4 Outside A1, A2, A3 area above 76 degrees North or below 76 degrees south
- Same as Marcom A, non courses yet available in The Netherlands
What is the difference between a sea VHF and inland waters VHF ?
The most modern VHF have 2 settings (ATIS/Int). ATIS setting is used for inland waters (mandatory within the Netherlands), INT(ernational) is used as soon as you are on coastal waters.
On the ATIS setting some channels are working on a lower power setting (1 watt) and in the ATIS (Automatic Transmitter Identification System) setting your callsign is transmitted automatically when releasing the PTT (pres To Talk) button. Authorities (Locks, Police etc) who have a decoder can automatically see your callsign and thus your identity. On Dutch inland waters you are required to use the ATIS setting
Int(ernational) setting
To be used if you are on coastal/seawater. You need to have a Licence to Operate as SRC (or higher).
DSC (Digital Selective Calling) allows to send digital messages and enhances the safety enormously. If your VHF has a GPS connection then when you press the distress button, anyone in reach with a DSC VHF will automatically receive your digital mayday with your GPS coordinates and MMSI (Maritime Mobile Service Identity) details. The digital signal is send via channels 70 using your MMSI (Maritiem Mobile Service Identity). The DSC Alert needs to be followed by a verbal Mayday Call and Mayday Message on channel 16 with high power.
Via the IMO is in 1979 GMDSS (Global Maritime Distress and Safety System) implemented and completed in 1999. The Sinking of the Titanic in 1912 has been part of the start of this system. It is mandatory for professional users and strongly advised for pleasure crafts. The idea is to have a minimum of 2 independend ways to send distress signals. There are definied sea areas (A1, A2, A3, A4) and depending which areas you are crossing there are equipment requirements, like VHF/HF/MF radio equipment , EPIRB, SART, Navtex. The A1 area is definied to be in continuous VHF DSC contact with a Coastal Station (based on a antenna of 16 meter high on your boat) .
EPIRB = Emergency Position Identification Radio Beacon
An emergency beacon which when activated sends a signal to sattellites providing a HEX ID and GPS coordinates. These signals are routed to the Coastguard. These signals can not be seen by normal boats nearby.
PLB = Personal Locator Beacon
Same working as PLB, however originally developed for use on land. But can be used on sea as well, hoger does not have the same requirements as are applicable for the PLB.
SART = Search and Rescue Transponder
Top be used when you are in your literaft. Works on radar sinas. It responds when received a radar beam providing signals on the receiving radar systems.(X band).
AIS SART = Automatic Identification System Search and Rescue Transponder
The AIS VHF signal can be picked up by ships in range it provides your position on their plotters. Most professional ships are required to have AIS equipment, the use for recreational is increasing.
Agentschap Telecom is where you register your VHF in the NL. They provide you with a Ship (Portable) Station License including callsign, MMSI, ATIS numbers (and a yearly invoice). You have to provide your license to operate (SRC for example) and have to prove your identity and legitimacy to get a Dutch Ship Station or Ship Portable Station Licence.
If you replace your currant VHF for a brand new one you can (re) use all current details (callsign, MMSI, ATIS), you do not need to inform them.
If you sell your boat including the VHF you must inform Agentschap Telecom. The will block the callsign, MMSI, ATIS for a specific time. In that specific time the new owner can get his own ship station license with reusing the already issued callsign, MMSI, ATISD numbers. Check the information available at Agentschap Telecom for the details.
All these subjects are part of the SRC course at Safe Haven Training .
There are a lot of student who are going for their RYA Yachtmaster Offshore/Ocean. It is a worldwide recognised Certificate of Competence often required for professional jobs as well.
The complete requirements can be found at the following links
You need a valid
- GMDSS recognised VHF License like the SRC (Short Range Certificate)
- A valid First Aid certificate like the RYA First Aid certificate
Safe Haven provides these 2 courses.
Often the question is asked if a Yachtmaster (or other foreign certificaat) can be exchanged for a Dutch Vaarbewijs 1 or 2. The answer is no, Dutch regulations do not allow this.
Frequently students ask for hotel information. Safe Haven Training has no commercial binding with hotels. However most of our students stay in
This 2 location is very close to the office of Safe Haven Training (in a straight line less then 200 meter), however it is opposite the water! It is a 20 minute (very nice walk) around the old harbour to our premise.
The location is excellent in the harbour area. Good restaurants and bars within crawling distance (100 meter), can be told based on own experience. Remember, you must be fresh (and sober) and on time for the course the next day!
For an available B & B take a look at